E.C.A.C . is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. We wish to be transparent on how we process your data and show you that we are accountable with the GDPR in relation to not only processing your data but ensuring you understand your rights as a client.
It is the intention of this privacy statement to explain to you the information practices of E.C.A.C. in relation to the information we collect about you.
For the purposes of the GDPR the data controller is:
• E.C.A.C.
• Contact details of Stabannon, Castlebellingham, Co Louth. A91 VK44
• When we refer to ‘we’ it is E.C.A.C.
Please read this Statement carefully as this sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us.
Who are we?
ECAC is dedicated to providing training and consultancy services to the refrigeration, air conditioning, and Heat pump Industries and end users of these products.
Our Data Protection Officer / GDPR Owner and data protection representatives can be contacted directly here:
• Therese Murphy
• [email protected]
• 086-0660652
Purpose for processing your data
Any personal Data received by ECAC will be used solely for the purpose of record-keeping and processing of Certificates. Information will be stored on our IT system and provided to certifying bodies where required.